Your RSVP is not just a response - it's a public statement about your relationship with an event. It's a powerful way to communicate your intentions and expectations, and it carries weight in the event community.

  • Interested means that you may or may not attend the event and want to stay informed about it.
  • Going means that you are planning on attending the event.
  • Not Going means that you will not attend the event.

Your RSVPs are stored as public information on your account's PDS (Personal Data Server). This transparency means that your RSVP information is visible to anyone who can access your PDS, including the event organizers and those who have RSVP'd to the event.

An event without your RSVP

Creating an RSVP

There are two ways to RSVP to an event. The first and most common will be using one of the RSVP buttons on an event page.

Use one of the three buttons to RSVP: Interested, Going, or Not Going. You can only have one RSVP for an event at a time, so if this is a new RSVP, the record will be created; if not, the existing RSVP will be updated.

An event with your RSVP

Using an AT-URI

Another way to RSVP to an event is by using AT-URI at

When you create an RSVP for an event using an AT-URI that Smoke Signal knows about, the RSVP is made without further action.

When you attempt to create an RSVP for an event using an AT-URI that Smoke Signal does not know about, you will be prompted to provide the CID for the event.

Strong References To Events

RSVP records have two pieces of information:

  • A status that reflects the intention of the user to attend the event
  • A strong reference to an event object that contains the AT-URI and the CID of the event.

Because events can change and both events and RSVPs are public records, you may create an RSVP for an event, but the event changes. The strong reference is a way to demonstrate that your RSVP was made at a point in time to a version.

When viewing an event that you have RSVP'd to, if the RSVP was made to a different version of the event, a message will be displayed indicating that. You don't need to change your RSVP, but you can reaffirm your same RSVP status to the current version of the event if you want.