Website FAQ

How long will I remain logged into the website?

Website sessions last 14 days. After that, you'll need to reauthenticate.

Do you provide an API?

No. Smoke Signal may provide an API or some form of data access to aggregated and indexed event and RSVP data, but that has not been worked out.

Why don't I see all of my events in my calendar?

The calendar feature has some practical limits for performance reasons. The calender feature in its current form will select the following events:

  • Past events that you have created and RSVP'd to. Past events are any events where the starts_at value is before the start of the current day UTC. It will get the first 100 events within the past 90 days, starting with the most recent and going back.
  • Current and future events that you have created and RSVP'd to. Current and future events are any evnts where the starts_at value is after the start of the current day UTC. It will get the first 100 events within the next 13 months, starting with the soonest occuring and working forward in time.