Common FAQ

Answers to common frequently asked questions.

What is Smoke Signal Events?

Smoke Signal is a modern event and RSVP management system built on top of the powerful, people-centric atprotocol.

How do I sign up?

Use your existing Bluesky Social account to log into Smoke Signal.

The Quick Start Guide has step-by-step instructions on how to log in.

Where is event and RSVP data stored?

When you create an event or RSVP to an event, the data is stored on the PDS (personal data server) associated with your account. Although it can be viewed through Smoke Signal, your PDS is the source of truth for event and RSVP information.

What is atproto?

From the ATProto (also known as ATProtocol) website:

The AT Protocol is a networking technology created to power the next generation of social applications. The initial reference application,, provides a global-scale microblogging experience.

It emphasizes federation, algorithmic choice, and account portability.

More information about the protocol and technology can be found here:

Are you affiliated with Bluesky?

No, this website is not owned by or affiliated with Bluesky Social, the organization that created atprotocol and operates the critical infrastructure that enables the wider network.

Are all events and RSVPs public?

Yes, all events are public[1, 2]. Any events and information that you create here can be accessed by anyone, just like all of your posts and activity on Bluesky Social.

It is not possible to create private, hidden, or protected events. If you RSVP to an event, anyone is able to view your RSVP as well as the event, even if you did not create the event yourself.