Locations and Data Reset, 2024 Q3

Posted 2024-08-09 19:30 ‐ 1 min read

This release includes the foundational elements of event locations. Locations can be either virtual, like named URLs, or physical places that have addresses. With locations also come two additional attributes: mode and status.

An event's mode describes how it will be attended. It can be virtual, in-person, or hybrid. An event's status represents the current state of its schedule. It can be scheduled, rescheduled, postponed, or cancelled.

The underlying lexicon has been overhauled to support these structures and apply some learned lessons. Events and RSVPs are now contained in the Calendar group, and profiles have been moved into the App group. Locations are expected to grow in the future to include additional address elements and formats and latitude and longitude values.

The application has undergone a significant upgrade and refactor, which requires a data reset. Fortunately, the data created in the previous and deprecated collections can be imported.

I've also created a lexicons repository on GitHub to house the definitions: https://github.com/SmokeSignal-Events/lexicon